Figural - Animals & Living Creatures

Black Forest Pug in a Stump

Lizard Wrapped Around an Inkwell

Carved Wood Dog with Glass Inkwell

Figural Parrot Inkstand

Figural Bronze Camel

Dog House by J. Moigniez

Double Inkstand with Snake Handles

Black Forest Fox Inkstand

Black Forest Dog’s Head Inkstand

Greyhound or Whippet Double Inkstand

Owl with Wings Spread

Bronze Birdhouse Inkstand

Fox Head Inkstand

Kingfisher Inkwell

Dog’s Head Inkwell – Doberman Pinscher

Inkstand with a Playful Dog

Horses in Profile on Silver Inkstand

Cut Glass Inkwell with a Silver Fox

Black Forest Carved Dog

Inkstand with Music Box – Mother Hen and Chicks

Crystal and Bronze Animalier Inkstand

Hand Carved Black Forest Dog

Lions on a Stepped Base – Art Deco

Yellow Ware Whippet Inkstand

Playful Cat

Monkey Inkstand

Silverplated Rabbit Inkwell

Baby Bird Emerging from a Cracked Egg